Transformational Leadership of School Administrators Affecting Performance Morale of Teachers Under Amnat Charoen Primary Educational Service Area Offices Transformational Leadership of School Administrators Affecting Performance Morale of Teachers Under Amnat Charoen Primary Educational Service Area Offices

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Pengjun koton
Boonchuay Sirikase


          Performance morale Is one of the factors that are important in the performance of the operators are enthusiastic. and confidence in performance Therefore, executives must have ways to build morale. Because morale and encouragement are important. And it is very useful to manage the work successfully. The purposes of this research were to study (1) examine the transformational leadership of the administrators of the schools Amnat Charoen primary educational service area office (2) investigate the Performance Morale of teachers under Amnat Charoen primary educational service area offices (3) examine the relationship between the transformational leadership of the administrators and  the Performance Morale of teachers under Amnat Charoen primary educational service area offices (4) examine the transformational leadership of the administrators affecting  Performance Morale Of teachers under Amnat Charoen primary educational service area offices The sample were school administrators and teachers 331 people. The research tool was a 5-level scales questionnaire with a confidence value of .728. The statistics used in this study were descriptive statistics is Frequency, Percentage, Mean, standard deviation and Inferential statistics is Pearson’s Product moment correlation coefficient, Multiple Regression Analysis using Stepwise for identify the level of significance the predictive power.

          The results of the study revealed as follows:  1) The transformational leadership of the administrators of the schools under Amnat Charoen primary educational service area offices was overall at a high level. 2) The performance morale of teachers under Amnat Charoen primary educational service area offices was overall at a high level. 3) The relationship between the transformational leadership of the administrators and the performance morale of teachers under Amnat Charoen primary educational service area offices using Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Coefficient had a positive relationship with a highest level at the .01 level of significance. 4) The four aspects of the transformational leadership of the administrators as intellectual stimulation, idealized influence or charisma, inspirational motivation, individualized consideration could predict the innovative organization at the .01 level of significance with the predictive power of 54.50 (R2 = 0.545) percent and the standard error of estimate of ± 0.27783. 5) the regression equation of raw scores could be summarized and standardized scores could be written as follows

              Equation in raw score.

             gif.latex?\hat{Y}= 1.686 + 0.276 (IC) + 0.185 (II) + 0.128 (IS)

              The forecast of the variance.

              gif.latex?\hat{Z}=  0.422 (IC) + 0.262 (II) + 0.164 (IS)

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How to Cite
koton, P., & Sirikase , B. (2023). Transformational Leadership of School Administrators Affecting Performance Morale of Teachers Under Amnat Charoen Primary Educational Service Area Offices: Transformational Leadership of School Administrators Affecting Performance Morale of Teachers Under Amnat Charoen Primary Educational Service Area Offices. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 5(2), 637–653. Retrieved from
Research Article


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