Satisfaction of Elderly Care of Ban Nong Salai Sub-District Health Promoting Hospital Douk Ueng Subdistrict, Nong Hi District, Roi Et Province Satisfaction of Elderly Care of Ban Nong Salai Sub-District Health Promoting Hospital Douk Ueng Subdistrict, Nong Hi District, Roi Et Province

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Boonthiya Khemthong
Saytong Hlasud
Paengluetai Janthong
Suthiphan Aranyawas
Thongmoon Noinon


          Research on satisfaction with care for the elderly at Ban Nong Salai Subdistrict Health Promoting Hospital, Duk Ung Sub-district, Nong Hi District, Roi Et Province. The objectives of this research study are 1) to study the conditions of caring for the elderly at Ban Nong Salai Subdistrict Health Promoting Hospital, 2) to study problems, obstacles and suggestions for caring for the elderly at Ban Nong Subdistrict Health Promoting Hospital. Salai, Duking Sub-district, Nong Hee District, Roi Et Province. The results of the study found that: 1. Conditions of care for the elderly at Ban Nong Salai Subdistrict Health Promoting Hospital. In terms of facilities, they are very average. When considering each aspect, every aspect is at a high level. Arranged from highest to lowest as follows: First, the process and procedures for providing services. Next is the service aspect of the officials. Next is the quality of service, respectively. 2. Suggestions for caring for the elderly at Ban Nong Salai Subdistrict Health Promoting Hospital. It was found that satisfaction with the care of the elderly at Ban Nong Salai Sub-district Health Promoting Hospital should be promoted. Ko Ung, Nong Hi District, Roi Et Province along with other aspects as well.

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How to Cite
Khemthong, B., Hlasud, S., Janthong, P., Aranyawas, S., & Noinon, T. (2023). Satisfaction of Elderly Care of Ban Nong Salai Sub-District Health Promoting Hospital Douk Ueng Subdistrict, Nong Hi District, Roi Et Province: Satisfaction of Elderly Care of Ban Nong Salai Sub-District Health Promoting Hospital Douk Ueng Subdistrict, Nong Hi District, Roi Et Province. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 5(3), 96–106. Retrieved from
Research Article


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