Cooperation in the Management and Safety of Educational Institutions of Educational Personnel at Wat Yokkabat School (Chubradnusorn) Samut Sakhon Primary Educational Service Area Office Cooperation in the Management and Safety of Educational Institutions of Educational Personnel at Wat Yokkabat School (Chubradnusorn) Samut Sakhon Primary Educational Service Area Office

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Pornpoj Sopha
Naitawan Kumhom
Apirat Chojong


          The purpose of this research is 1) Study the level of cooperation in management. 2) study the safety of educational institutions 3) study the relationship between administrative cooperation and educational institution safety of educational personnel at Wat Yokkabat School. (Chubradnusorn) Samut Sakhon Primary Educational Service Area Office. The sample group used in this research was 152 educational personnel. The size of the sample was determined from the table of Craigie and Morgan. The tool used was a questionnaire. data analysis Determination of percentage, mean and standard deviation and find a relationship by Pearsion’s product correlation coefficient.

          The results showed that most of the respondents were female, 97 people aged 30-40 years, 80 people with bachelor's degree, 105 people, 117 people are farmers. 1) Administrative cooperation The overall picture is at a high level. when considering each side It was found that the first rank was environmental, internal and external factors, followed by technology. contemporary innovation Education policy and management and the last rank is the risk aspect, the practice of prevention from society. 2) School Safety The overall picture is at a high level. when considering each side It was found that the first rank was safety in terms of accidents and accidents, followed by safety from the use of drugs. Safety without sexual harassment and the last one is safety without violence.3) The relationship between administrative cooperation and educational institution safety of educational personnel at Wat Yokkabat School. (Chubradnusorn) Samut Sakhon Primary Educational Service Area Office as a whole had a positive correlation at the moderate level with statistical significance at the 0.01 level.

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How to Cite
Sopha, P., Kumhom, N., & Chojong, A. (2023). Cooperation in the Management and Safety of Educational Institutions of Educational Personnel at Wat Yokkabat School (Chubradnusorn) Samut Sakhon Primary Educational Service Area Office: Cooperation in the Management and Safety of Educational Institutions of Educational Personnel at Wat Yokkabat School (Chubradnusorn) Samut Sakhon Primary Educational Service Area Office. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 5(3), 356–371. Retrieved from
Research Article


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