The study of organic farming in rice fields Ban Nong Thom, Village No. 7, Nong Ped Sub-district, Muang District, Yasothon Province The study of organic farming in rice fields Ban Nong Thom, Village No. 7, Nong Ped Sub-district, Muang District, Yasothon Province

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Panuwat Kanpai
Anusorn Suwanphat
Natthakrai Srimanta
Sanook Singmatr
Wipaphan Upanisakorn


          This research is qualitative research. The objective is to study organic farming in the rice fields of Ban Nong Thom, Village No. 7, Nong Ped Sub-district, Mueang District, Yasothon Province. The sample group for providing data for this research is Mr. Uthai Phiwngern, Chairman of the Ban Nong Thom Organic Farming Group, Village No. 7 Collect data by conducting in-depth interviews and field visits to collect empirical data. The research results found that From surveying data from the Ban Nong Thom Organic Farming Group, Village No. 7, a new idea for pursuing an agricultural career emerged. They have a set of thoughts about daring to think, daring to act, daring to make decisions in their main occupation that has been done since their ancestors, that is, farming. This is considered the same cost and is a hope for yourself and your family to have food to consume safely because rice is the main food that is eaten into the body every day. You just have to change the old method of making it in the past, which is the use of chemicals. in the rice field Because chemicals destroy the ecosystem, food chain of the natural environment. Therefore, they began to change to safe farming or organic farming to cover their own area and that of group members. There are a total of 35 group members. All members agree on the dangers of chemical agriculture. All members use all their available land to enter the organic farming system, a total of 269 rai in the Ban Nong Thum community area. As for the problems found from the study, it was found that the price of organic agricultural products produced is not different from agricultural products grown normally and another problem is that growing rice in this organic way requires heavy care and attention to the crops. The results will be as expected. As for the suggestions, it was found that we would like the relevant government agencies to pay more serious attention to organic farming.

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How to Cite
Kanpai, P., Suwanphat, A., Srimanta, N., Singmatr, S., & Upanisakorn, W. (2023). The study of organic farming in rice fields Ban Nong Thom, Village No. 7, Nong Ped Sub-district, Muang District, Yasothon Province: The study of organic farming in rice fields Ban Nong Thom, Village No. 7, Nong Ped Sub-district, Muang District, Yasothon Province. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 5(3), 243–253. Retrieved from
Research Article


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