Performance Morale of Teachers in Schools under Loei Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 Performance Morale of Teachers in Schools under Loei Primary Educational Service Area Office 1

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Watcharapong Kaewyasri
Chakgrit Podapol


          Building morale is considered a motivation for teachers' performance. School administrators must learn both principles and techniques. In order for those who work to work for the organization to the best of their abilities and are willing to perform their duties to the best of their abilities it affects the progress of the organization and the success of the individual. The purposes of this research were to: 1) study the level of morale in the performance of teachers in schools, 2) to compare teachers' morale in working performance by variables including gender, educational background work experience and school sizes, 3) To study recommendations for developing morale in working performance of teachers in schools under Loei primary educational service area office 1. The sample group was a total of 287 teachers in schools under Loei primary educational service area office 1 in the academic year 2022, and interview forms. The statistics for data collection were frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The hypothesis testing was done through One-way ANNOVA and t-test

          The results of the study revealed as follows: 1) The level of morale in the performance of teachers in schools under Loei primary educational service area office 1, both overall and individual aspects, were at the high level, 2) The comparative results in Job performance of teachers in schools under Loei primary educational service area office 1 clarified by variables including gender, educational background work experience and school sizes found that overall and each aspect were not different, 3) The results of studying guidelines for improving morale in working performance of teachers in schools under Loei primary educational service area office 1 including administrators should support teachers to develop themselves. Attend training according to your interest’s continuing education at a higher level to advance in a position Promote to a higher academic rank. Teachers' performance is periodically supervised and monitored. Set clear goals There is a systematic work process.

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How to Cite
Kaewyasri, W., & Podapol, C. (2023). Performance Morale of Teachers in Schools under Loei Primary Educational Service Area Office 1: Performance Morale of Teachers in Schools under Loei Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 5(3), 341–355. Retrieved from
Research Article


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