Human capital development model of sub-district municipal officials in the lower northeastern provinces 1 Human capital development model of sub-district municipal officials in the lower northeastern provinces 1

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Kittiyakan Duangpakdeeram
Saovalak Kosonkittiumporn
Sanya Kenaphoom


The objectives of this research are as follows: 1) study the level of human capital development of sub-district municipal officials. 2) study factors affecting the human capital development of sub-district municipal officials. 3) create and confirm the human capital development model of sub-district municipal officials. The sample group was employees of local government organizations of sub-district municipalities. In the lower northeastern province group 1, a total of 400 people. The tool used was a 5-level rating scale questionnaire. Data were analyzed using averages. standard deviation and structural equation model analysis. The results of the research found that 1) the level of human capital development of sub-district municipal officials Overall it was at the highest level ( = 4.51). 2) Factors that affect the development of human capital of sub-district municipal officials include sustaining factors and achievement motivation factors. Both variables can jointly explain the variation in human capital development among sub-district municipal officials. Correctly 94.70 percent (R2 = 0.947). Human capital development model of sub-district municipal officials consists of human capital development model, sustaining factors, and achievement motivation factors. Results confirming the human capital development model of sub-district municipal officials. at the highest level and has a consistency value The interquartile scores were less than 1.5 for all approaches, with the model having a high level of appropriateness. The results of creating human capital development of sub-district municipal officials found that human capital development consists of developing personnel characteristics. leadership development Commitment to the organization corporate culture information technology system Career advancement, compensation, worker-supervisor relationship Relationships with co-workers and working environment

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How to Cite
Duangpakdeeram, K., Kosonkittiumporn, S., & Kenaphoom, S. (2024). Human capital development model of sub-district municipal officials in the lower northeastern provinces 1: Human capital development model of sub-district municipal officials in the lower northeastern provinces 1. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 6(1), 31–48. Retrieved from
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