The Guidelines for Development Creative Leadership of School Administrators Under the Roi Et Vocational Education Office The Guidelines for Development Creative Leadership of School Administrators Under the Roi Et Vocational Education Office

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Wachchira Wannapapo
Pongphop Phoojomjit


The educational school administrators are considered important people in organizing the academic administration, budget management, personnel management and general administration to achieve efficiency and effectiveness. The educational school administrators must use their administrative abilities in educational school. The especially having creative leadership, which is an absolute necessity for educational administrators today. The research aims to 1) study the current state, desirable state and needs assessment for creative leadership of school administrators under the Roi Et vocational education office, and 2) study the guidelines for development creative leadership of school administrators under the Roi Et vocational education office. The research is divided into two phases: Phase 1 : study the current state, desirable state  and needs assessment for creative leadership of school administrators. The sample group consists of 381 administrators and. The research instrument was questionnaire five scale, validity index between 0.61-1.00 and reliability at 0.96. Data analysis includes percentage, mean, standard deviation and using the Modified Priority Needs Index technique to prioritize needs. I Phase 2 : study the guidelines for development creative leadership of school administrators. The target groups are 7 experts for studying the development guideline and 7 experts for assessment the development guideline, The research instrument was semi-structured interview form and assessment form the suitability and feasibility of development guideline.

          The research results found that : 1. The current state in overall was moderate level, the desirable state in overall was in the hight level, the needs assessment rank from high to low level was Imagination, Creativity, Vision, Flexibility and Adaptability, Individual awareness. 2. The guidelines for development creative leadership of school administrators under the Roi Et vocational education office consisting of 1) principles and reasons 2) objectives 3) content 4) development process and 5) measurement and evaluation. The results of the assessment of the appropriateness of the guidelines are at a high level and the feasibility is at the highest level.

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How to Cite
Wannapapo, W., & Phoojomjit, P. (2024). The Guidelines for Development Creative Leadership of School Administrators Under the Roi Et Vocational Education Office: The Guidelines for Development Creative Leadership of School Administrators Under the Roi Et Vocational Education Office. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 6(1), 243–258. retrieved from
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