Factors affecting the prevention of corruption in cooperatives in the area of Cooperative Audit Office 4 Factors affecting the prevention of corruption in cooperatives in the area of Cooperative Audit Office 4
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The objectives of this research are 1) to study factors affecting the prevention of corruption of cooperatives in the area of the Cooperative Audit Office No. 4 and 2) to study recommendations for developing the prevention of corruption of cooperatives in the area of the Cooperative Audit Office. Cooperative No. 4 The sample group used in the research was the cooperative operating committee in the area of Cooperative Audit Office No. 4, numbering 320 people, using the selection method using the Yamanae formula. Tools used to collect data It is a 5-level rating scale questionnaire. Data was analyzed using frequency distribution, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. and multiple linear regression analysis The results of the research found that 1) Factors that affect the prevention of corruption in cooperatives in the area of Cooperative Audit Office No. 4 include factors in the efficiency of internal control of cooperatives. Factors in strict law enforcement measures Member awareness factors and the factor of fear of corruption They can jointly predict the prevention of corruption in cooperatives in the area of Cooperative Audit Office No. 4 with statistical significance at the level of .05 R2 = 0.323 and can predict the prevention of corruption in cooperatives by 32.30 percent. 2) Suggestions in Developing the prevention of corruption in cooperatives in the area of Cooperative Audit Office No. 4 means that cooperatives must develop work guidelines based on good internal control principles. Preparation of strategic plans and risk management plans Establishing policies on preventing corruption in cooperatives and setting ethical guidelines for operations.
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