Community Participation in Waste Management in the Nikhom Kham Soi Subdistrict Municipality Nikhom Kham Soi District Mukdahan Province Community Participation in Waste Management in the Nikhom Kham Soi Subdistrict Municipality Nikhom Kham Soi District Mukdahan Province

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Wachira Armatmontree
Naruemon Thommong
Vitayathorn Dangard
Chatchai Lakorn
Kreangkrai Boonprachong
Chanphan Sichompoo
Sanook Singmatr


Study of Community participation in waste management In the Nikhom Kham Soi Subdistrict Municipality Nikhom Kham Soi District Mukdahan Province The objectives are 1) to study community participation in waste management in Nikhom Kham Soi Subdistrict Municipality. Nikhom Kham Soi District Mukdahan Province 2) to compare community participation in waste management and 3. to study recommendations for community participation in waste management. The sample group used in this research included people living in the Nikhom Kham Soi Subdistrict Municipality community. Nikhom Kham Soi District Mukdahan Province, 364 people. The instrument used in the study was a questionnaire. Statistical data analysis: percentages, means, and standard deviations. Comparative analysis of public participation using t-test statistics and one-way ANOVAR. The results of the study found that 1. Community participation in waste management in Nikhom Kham Soi Subdistrict Municipality. Nikhom Kham Soi District Mukdahan Province Overall it is at a high level. When considering each aspect, it was found that participation was at a high level in every aspect. 2. Results of comparing community participation in waste management in Nikhom Kham Soi Subdistrict Municipality. Nikhom Kham Soi District Mukdahan Province, classified according to gender, age, education level, and occupation, were not different in any way. 3. As for recommendations obtained from the research, the subdistrict municipality should organize activities that promote public participation in waste management. There should be knowledge, attitudes, and behavior on solid waste management for the people, promoting study tours on waste management according to the context or other organizations that have been successful in waste management in the community. and community participation in waste management and the municipality should encourage people to be aware of the problem and have a good attitude towards participating in waste management.

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How to Cite
Armatmontree, W., Thommong, N., Dangard, V., Lakorn, C., Boonprachong, K., Sichompoo, C., & Singmatr, S. (2024). Community Participation in Waste Management in the Nikhom Kham Soi Subdistrict Municipality Nikhom Kham Soi District Mukdahan Province: Community Participation in Waste Management in the Nikhom Kham Soi Subdistrict Municipality Nikhom Kham Soi District Mukdahan Province. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 6(1), 113–126. Retrieved from
Research Article


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