Election Behavior of Citizens in Selecting Municipal Council Member and the Mayor Hong Saeng Subdistrict Municipality Loeng Nok Tha District, Yasothon Province Election Behavior of Citizens in Selecting Municipal Council Member and the Mayor Hong Saeng Subdistrict Municipality Loeng Nok Tha District, Yasothon Province

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Phattharasuda Dudthuyawat
Supawadee Wongsali
Khamdaeng Bunthots
Pimchanok Phumphan
Nathapob Thaworn
Kreangkrai Boonprachong
Chanphan Sichompoo
Sanook Singmat


          The objectives of this research are 1) to study the election behavior of municipal council members and the mayor of Hong Saeng Subdistrict Municipality; Loeng Nok Tha District, Yasothon Province 2) to compare the behavior of the election of municipal council members and the mayor of Hong Saeng Subdistrict Municipality, and 3) to study recommendations for ways to change the behavior of the election of municipal council members and the mayor of Hong Saeng Subdistrict Municipality. The sample group includes people living in the Hong Saeng Subdistrict Municipality community. Loeng Nok Tha District, Yasothon Province, 367 people. The research instrument was a questionnaire. statistics in data analysis statistical average standard deviation Value of one-way test (t-test) and value of two-way test (one-way ANOVAR).

          The results of the study found that: 1. Election behavior of citizens in selecting municipal council members and mayor of Hong Saeng Subdistrict Municipality. Overall, it is at a high level. 2. Results of comparing people's voting behavior in selecting municipal council members and mayors of Hong Saeng Subdistrict Municipality, classified by gender, age, and educational level. And occupations are not different in any way. 3. The results of the study suggest guidelines regarding the election behavior of citizens in selecting municipal council members and the mayor of Hong Saeng Subdistrict Municipality, including: 1. Government agencies should have public relations. through the media that is closest to the people. 2. Government agencies should educate the public on the punishments for those who violate election laws, and 3. The Election Commission should consider reviewing various regulations. It is flexible and can be effectively applied to election management according to election law.

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How to Cite
Dudthuyawat, P., Wongsali, S., Bunthots, K., Phumphan, P., Thaworn, N., Boonprachong, K., Sichompoo, C., & Singmat, S. (2024). Election Behavior of Citizens in Selecting Municipal Council Member and the Mayor Hong Saeng Subdistrict Municipality Loeng Nok Tha District, Yasothon Province: Election Behavior of Citizens in Selecting Municipal Council Member and the Mayor Hong Saeng Subdistrict Municipality Loeng Nok Tha District, Yasothon Province. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 6(1), 506–516. Retrieved from https://so07.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rtnb/article/view/4092
Research Article


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