Community Participation in Solving Drug Problems Case Study: Ban Kham Phai Nuea, Kham Phai Subdistrict, Thai Charoen District, Yasothon Province Community Participation in Solving Drug Problems Case Study: Ban Kham Phai Nuea, Kham Phai Subdistrict, Thai Charoen District, Yasothon Province

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Authai Srimamueang
Natthathida Naijit
Jiratchaya Tarakajad
Santanee Jarunet
Sunwanan Seedee
Kreangkrai Boonprachong
Chanphan Sichompoo
Sanook Singmart


The objectives of this research are 1) to study community participation in solving the drug problem in Ban Kham Phai Nuea, Kham Phai Subdistrict, Thai Charoen District, Yasothon Province 2) to compare community participation in solving the problem. Drugs in Ban Kham Phai Nuea with different genders, ages, education, and occupations, and 3. To suggest ways to solve the drug problem in Ban Kham Phai Nuea. The sample group used in this research was 241 people living in the Ban Kham Phai Nuea community area. The tool used in the research was a questionnaire. Analyze data Including percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test statistics, one-way ANOVAR statistics and content analysis (Content Analysis). The research results found that Community participation in solving the drug problem in Ban Kham Phai Nuea, Kham Phai Subdistrict, Thai Charoen District, Yasothon Province is overall at a high level. When considering each aspect, it was found that participation was at a high level in every aspect. Comparative results of community participation in solving drug problems Ban Kham Phai Nuea is classified by gender, age, and educational level. And different occupations are not different in any way. As for the suggestions obtained from the research, it was found that: 1. Participation in awareness The first person to know is the family member. Should urgently notify community leaders and plan to solve problems together. 2. Community leaders should organize discussions within the community between community leaders and people within the community. 3. Proposing solutions to problems. Community leaders must brainstorm ideas and suggestions to solve the drug problem in their community. 4. Participation in decision-making. Community leaders should have the decision to choose the clearest and fairest way to solve the drug problem. and 5. Evaluation of success: Community leaders should evaluate the results of drug problem solving and regularly follow up on the results of drug problem solving.

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How to Cite
Srimamueang, A., Naijit, N., Tarakajad, J., Jarunet, S., Seedee, S., Boonprachong, K., Sichompoo, C., & Singmart, S. (2024). Community Participation in Solving Drug Problems Case Study: Ban Kham Phai Nuea, Kham Phai Subdistrict, Thai Charoen District, Yasothon Province: Community Participation in Solving Drug Problems Case Study: Ban Kham Phai Nuea, Kham Phai Subdistrict, Thai Charoen District, Yasothon Province. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 6(1), 229–242. Retrieved from
Research Article


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