Skills of School Administrators in the 21st Century in Nongnae-Phonngam Network under Yasothon Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 Skills of School Administrators in the 21st Century in Nongnae-Phonngam Network under Yasothon Primary Educational Service Area Office 2

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Phitchadapat Chuangchote
Charoenwit Sompongtam


The objective of this research was to study and identify ways to develop the skills of school administrators in the 21st century within the Nongnae-Phonngam network group, under the jurisdiction of the Primary Education Area Office, Yasothon Region 2. The study involved two groups: a population group of 120 individuals and a sample group of 92 individuals. The data collection tool for the quantitative research was a questionnaire comprising 5 levels, measuring approximate values. The questionnaire demonstrated good discriminative power (r) is 0.52, and a reliability value of 0.98. The sampling method employed was a stratified random sampling technique. Statistical analyses of the data included mean ( ), standard deviation (S.D.), and content analysis.

          The research findings are as follows:

  1. The skills of school administrators in the 21st century within the Nong Han-Phongam network group, affiliated with the Primary Education Area Office, Yasothon Region 2, were found to be generally high ( = 3.85, S.D. = 0.66).

  2. Developmental strategies for the skills of school administrators in the 21st century, covering eight dimensions, were identified. These strategies form a model of skill and competency development crucial for administrators. They can be applied as guidelines for adjusting behavior and self-development, fostering effective educational leadership, gaining respect, accepting authority, and leading the organization towards success.

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How to Cite
Chuangchote, P., & Sompongtam, C. (2024). Skills of School Administrators in the 21st Century in Nongnae-Phonngam Network under Yasothon Primary Educational Service Area Office 2: Skills of School Administrators in the 21st Century in Nongnae-Phonngam Network under Yasothon Primary Educational Service Area Office 2. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 6(1), 143–155. retrieved from
Research Article


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