The Community Collaboration to Prevent the Gambling in Local Traditions of Yasothon Province The Community Collaboration to Prevent the Gambling in Local Traditions of Yasothon Province

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Worachet Tho-un
Jamras Budhapong
Phamaha Paijit Uttamadhammo (SaKong)


This research aims to examine the characteristics, methods of gambling, and the pattern of community cooperation in preventing gambling in local customs within the territory of Yasothon Province. The research findings indicate that the perception of the characteristics, patterns, and methods of gambling in local customs in all three dimensions has a high average value ( gif.latex?x\bar{}=4.13). The community holds a two-dimensional perspective: a positive perspective reflects that gambling in customs is part of community heritage transmission, a recreational activity, a forum for community discussion, and a source of income from community gambling customs. The negative perspective reflects that gambling contradicts moral principles, leads to public intoxication, violates religious and legal principles, and gamblers or gambling businesses often use customs as an excuse for gambling, benefiting themselves with support from influential individuals, leading to the dominance of the gambling area by those with power. The pattern of preventing gambling in accordance with local customs involves incorporating the principles of royal morality into community development, comprising four contexts: (1) comprehensive community participation and appropriate self-control, (2) the state should establish social policy frameworks and social funds suitable for strengthening community resilience, (3) the principle of unity and cooperation can address community problems, and (4) royal morality is suitable for enhancing community resilience.

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How to Cite
Tho-un, W., Budhapong, J., & Uttamadhammo (SaKong), P. P. . (2024). The Community Collaboration to Prevent the Gambling in Local Traditions of Yasothon Province: The Community Collaboration to Prevent the Gambling in Local Traditions of Yasothon Province. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 6(1), 16–30. Retrieved from
Research Article


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