Enhancing the Anti-Corruption Network by Applying Buddhist Principles in Roi Et Province Enhancing the Anti-Corruption Network by Applying Buddhist Principles in Roi Et Province

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Wongchanok Jumrearnsan
Banjong Lawalee
Amorn Ueakit
Chomphunut Srisuk


This research aims to 1) study the Network Empowerment for Anti-corruption by Applying the Principles of Buddhism in Roi Et Province, 2) develop a model for strengthening anti-corruption networks by applying Buddhist principles in Roi Et Province. 3) evaluate a model for strengthening anti-corruption networks by applying Buddhist principles in Roi Et Province. The sample consisted of 350 subjects’ monks and government officials of personnel in Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus. Statistics utilized for processing data embraced frequencies, percentages, means and standard deviations. The results showed that 1) strengthening the anti-corruption network by applying Buddhist principles in Roi Et Province. Overall, it is at the highest level. 2) Model for strengthening the anti-corruption network by applying Buddhist principles in Roi Et Province. Consisting of input factors including public/private organizations, temples, houses/communities, schools, transformation processes. Transformation Process includes operations according to the PAOR cycle and output factors include the anti-corruption network by applying Buddhist principles in Roi Et Province. 3. Satisfaction with the model for strengthening the anti-corruption network by applying Buddhist principles in Roi Et Province. Overall, it is at a high level.

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How to Cite
Phrametheewatcharaphorn, Jumrearnsan, W., Lawalee, B., Ueakit, A., & Srisuk, C. (2024). Enhancing the Anti-Corruption Network by Applying Buddhist Principles in Roi Et Province: Enhancing the Anti-Corruption Network by Applying Buddhist Principles in Roi Et Province. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 6(1), 64–78. Retrieved from https://so07.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rtnb/article/view/4297
Research Article


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