Factors Affecting Motivation for Performance of Chiang Mai Provincial Administrative Organization Personnel Factors Affecting Motivation for Performance of Chiang Mai Provincial Administrative Organization Personnel

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Phra Khunanon Khounviseth
Apirom Sidakham
Kiettisak Suklueang


         This research article aims to 1) study the level of responsibility in the responsibility of supervisors of regional organizations 2) to compare the opinions of personnel on the level of motivation for the performance of personnel of the Chiang Mai Provincial Administration Organization. Classified by personal factors 3) to study the suggestions on motivation guidelines for the performance of personnel of the Chiang Mai Provincial Administration Organization. It is a combined approach research. Between quantitative research and qualitative research in quantitative research, the sample is personnel of the Chiang Mai Provincial Administration Organization 196 people, Data were collected using a questionnaire. analyze data by using statistics of frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, Pearson Correlation, t-test, F-test, qualitative research by in-depth interviews with a group of 10 key informants or people. Data were analyzed by content analysis techniques.  

         The results of the study were as follows: 1) The level of work motivation of the personnel of the Chiang Mai Provincial Administrative Organization, namely the Buddhist Principle (Sangkhahawatthu4), was at the overall level at the highest level, The performance of personnel in all 5 areas, overall, was at the highest level, 2) Comparison of the opinions of the personnel towards the level of motivation in the performance of the personnel of the Chiang Mai Provincial Administrative Organization. Categorized by personal factors, namely gender, age, occupation and level of education, different opinions on the motivation to work of personnel. Overall, it's different. with statistical significance at the 0.05 level. Therefore, the research hypothesis was accepted 3) Problems and obstacles regarding the motivation guidelines for the performance of the personnel of the Chiang Mai Provincial Administrative Organization found that the lack of performance caused the strength to develop the work better. Some of you, your diligence in carrying out various tasks. to achieve operational goals Lack of independence in making decisions in performing duties as assigned and suggestions on the motivation for the performance of personnel of the Chiang Mai Provincial Administrative Organization found that the success of the work comes from your perseverance in performing various tasks.

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How to Cite
Khounviseth, P. K., Sidakham, A., & Suklueang , K. (2024). Factors Affecting Motivation for Performance of Chiang Mai Provincial Administrative Organization Personnel: Factors Affecting Motivation for Performance of Chiang Mai Provincial Administrative Organization Personnel. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 6(1), 333–347. retrieved from https://so07.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rtnb/article/view/4406
Research Article


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