People’s Participation in Location Development in Ham Subdistrict Municipality, Mueang District, Chiang Mai Province People’s Participation in Location Development in Ham Subdistrict Municipality, Mueang District, Chiang Mai Province

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Phra Sanya Tanpunno (Janravang)
Apirom Sidakham
Noppadon Panyaweeratat


The purpose of this research article is to study the levels, compare and solve problems, obstacles, and suggestions for public participation in local development in Fa Ham Subdistrict Municipality, Mueang District, Chiang Mai Province. It is a combined method research. Between quantitative research and qualitative research in quantitative research the sample group was 379 people in the Fa Ham Subdistrict Municipality. Data were collected using a questionnaire. Analyze data Using statistics such as frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Pearson correlation coefficient, t-test, F-test. Qualitative research with in-depth interviews with a group of 10 key informants/person. Data were analyzed using content analysis techniques.

​          The results of the study found that 1) the level of public participation in local development in Fa Ham Subdistrict Municipality, Mueang District, Chiang Mai Province, including the principles of Aparihaniyadhamma. Overall, it is at the highest level. and the participation of government networks and citizens in all 4 areas, overall, at the highest level. 2) The results of comparing public participation on public participation in local development in the municipality. Fa Ham Subdistrict, Mueang District, Chiang Mai Province Classified according to personal factors It was found that people of different genders, ages, education levels, and occupations had different opinions on public participation in local development in Fa Ham Subdistrict Municipality, Mueang District, Chiang Mai Province. Overall different Statistically significant at 0.05 3) Problems and obstacles regarding people's participation in local development. It was found that there was a lack of participation in presenting problems or needs of the network in local development. Lack of participation and observation Collaboration of external stakeholders who participate in local development Lack of follow-up on project performance or activities related to local development and suggestions for ways of participation of citizens in local development It was found that participation in decision-making and planning procedures should be encouraged. Carrying out local development work Participation in consideration and inspection should be encouraged. Review and revise projects or activities in local development before putting them into practice.

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How to Cite
Tanpunno (Janravang), P. S., Sidakham, A., & Panyaweeratat, N. (2024). People’s Participation in Location Development in Ham Subdistrict Municipality, Mueang District, Chiang Mai Province: People’s Participation in Location Development in Ham Subdistrict Municipality, Mueang District, Chiang Mai Province. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 6(1), 259–273. retrieved from
Research Article


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