Model of Success in Academic Administration of Educational Personnel Education Bureau Bangkok Model of Success in Academic Administration of Educational Personnel Education Bureau Bangkok

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Natthaphon Khaoiam
Naitawan Kumhom
Jumpol Wongsorn


          The purposes of this research were 1) Study success factors in academic administration. 2) Study success models in academic administration. 3) Evaluate the suitability and feasibility of success models in academic administration. of educational personnel, Office of Education Bangkok Using a mixed method research.

          The sample group used in this research was divided into 2 groups. There were 385 educational personnel using Tarro Yamane's sample size. Data were collected in Phase 1 using a questionnaire to analyze the data and find the average. standard deviation Phase 2: The sample group is educational institution director leader Teachers and educational personnel, a total of 6 people, using an interview form. group chat Content analysis and Phase 3 using a suitability and feasibility assessment form. Data were analyzed by finding the average. standard deviation

          The results of the study found that Conditions of academic administration of educational personnel, Office of Education Bangkok Overall, it is at a high level. When considering each aspect Arranged from highest to lowest average. It was found that the number 1 ranking was in the area of ​​educational institution administrators. Followed by parents and community. Educational institutions and last rank are the teacher side, respectively and from the group discussion, it was found that there are success patterns in academic administration. of educational personnel, Office of Education Bangkok the appropriate format consists of 4 elements: educational institution administrators Teacher side educational institutions Parents and community Results of evaluating the appropriateness and feasibility of the model for success in academic administration. of educational personnel, Office of Education Bangkok Overall, it is at the highest level.

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How to Cite
Khaoiam, N., Kumhom, N., & Wongsorn, J. (2024). Model of Success in Academic Administration of Educational Personnel Education Bureau Bangkok: Model of Success in Academic Administration of Educational Personnel Education Bureau Bangkok. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 6(1), 463–478. retrieved from
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