Social Media Tourism Influencers: The Impact of Credibility on Attitudes and Behavioral Intentions Social Media Tourism Influencers: The Impact of Credibility on Attitudes and Behavioral Intentions
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This study aims to study the influence of the credibility of tourism social media influencers on attitudes towards influencers and the behavioral intentions of followers. The data was collected from 400 people in Thailand through questionnaires on Facebook using the quantitative research method. Structural equation modeling was analyzed using the AMOS 22 package. The research found that Expertise (ET) and Trust (TT) directly influence Attractiveness (AT) (ß = 0.626, p < .001 and ß = 0.246, p < .001). Attractiveness (AT) and Similarity (SL) directly influence the Attitude towards the influencer (ATI) (ß = 0.504, p < .001 and ß = 0.518, p < .001). ATI directly influences Intention to follow the influencer (IFI) (ß = 0.852, p < .001), Intention to imitate the influencer (III) (ß = 0.742, p < .001), and Intention to recommend the influencer (IRI) (ß = 0.770, p < .001). In Creating behavioral intentions of the followers in Tourism, social media influencers should focus on attitudes based on attractiveness and similarity. In addition, creating attractiveness requires expertise and trust.
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