Management according to integrated Buddhist principles of Mueang Yao Subdistrict Municipality Hang Chat District, Lampang Province Management according to integrated Buddhist principles of Mueang Yao Subdistrict Municipality Hang Chat District, Lampang Province
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This research article aims to study the levels, compare and propose guidelines for strengthening management according to integrated Buddhist principles of Mueang Yao Subdistrict Municipality. Hang Chat District, Lampang Province, this research study Conduct mixed methods. Population used in the research includes people aged 18 years and over who live in the Mueang Yao Subdistrict Municipality. 1) Quantitative research A questionnaire was used for opinions of a sample of 381 people. Statistics used were frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. and use statistics to test hypotheses by finding coefficients Pearson correlation and 2) qualitative research Using in-depth interviews with 10 key informants or people, data were analyzed using descriptive content analysis.
The results of the research found that 1. The management level of Mueang Yao Subdistrict Municipality. Overall, it is at a high level. 2. Compare people's opinions towards the management of Mueang Yao Subdistrict Municipality. Classified by personal factors, it was found that people with different genders, ages, education levels, occupations, and incomes Have opinions on the management of Mueang Yao Subdistrict Municipality? No difference. 3. Guidelines for strengthening management according to integrated Buddhist principles. of Mueang Yao Subdistrict Municipality It was found that the issues that had the most suggestions were given. That is, there should be more electric lighting along the roads. Roads for agriculture should be increased. Municipalities should publicize road construction. Village water supply points that need additional additions as requested.
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