Application of Buddhist Principles to Promote environmental Management of Mueang Kai Subdistrict Administrative Organization Mae Taeng District Chiang Mai Province Application of Buddhist Principles to Promote environmental Management of Mueang Kai Subdistrict Administrative Organization Mae Taeng District Chiang Mai Province
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The objectives of this research are: 1. To study the level of environmental management of the Muang Kai Subdistrict Administrative Organization. 2. To study the relationship between the principles of Iddhipadhamma and the application of Buddhist principles to promote environmental management of the Subdistrict Administrative Organization. Mueang Kai Subdistrict, Mae Taeng District, Chiang Mai Province the research is a combined method research. Between quantitative research methods using a sample group of 311 people, statistics used were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation. and use statistics to test hypotheses by finding coefficients Pearson correlation
The results of the research found that 1) Environmental management of the Mueang Kai Subdistrict Administrative Organization found that people had opinions about environmental management as a whole at a high level. 2) The relationship between the principles of Iddhipadhamma and their application. Buddhist principles to promote the role of environmental management of the Mueang Kai Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Mae Taeng District, Chiang Mai Province. It was found that overall, there was a positive relationship in the same direction at a high level (r = 0.752) with statistical significance. Level 0.01
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