Quality Development of Older Persons in the Buddhist Context of Chom Chaeng Municipal Elderly School Mae Taeng District, Chiang Mai Province Quality Development of Older Persons in the Buddhist Context of Chom Chaeng Municipal Elderly School Mae Taeng District, Chiang Mai Province

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aree chaikhan
Apirom Sidakham
Noppadon Panyaweeratad


          This research article aims to study the problem. and the process of improving the quality of life of the elderly and suggest guidelines for improving the quality of life of the elderly in the Buddhist context of the Chom Chaeng Subdistrict Municipality School for the Elderly, Mae Taeng District, Chiang Mai Province. This research is qualitative research. Important informants used in this study include: Chom Chaeng Subdistrict Municipality Executive Director of the Elderly School monk Elderly people from Chom Chaeng Subdistrict Municipality School for the Elderly, 19 figures or people. There are many forms of data collection. Including document analysis and field data. There is a survey of the area, observation, interviews, and then analysis. Synthesize content according to the issues studied. It is then presented in a descriptive form.

          The results of the research found that: 1. Conditions of problems in improving the quality of life of the elderly in the Buddhist context of the Chom Chaeng Subdistrict Municipality School for the Elderly, Mae Taeng District, Chiang Mai Province were found to be poverty, elderly disease, lack of professional skills, lack of learning processes. and environment is not appropriate. 2. The process of developing the quality of life of the elderly in the context of Buddhism at the Chom Chaeng Subdistrict Municipality School for the Elderly. It is to develop a good quality of life for the elderly in all 4 areas: physical To create a good quality of life Mental health preparation By calming the mind by chanting prayers, walking meditation, sitting in vipassana meditation, meditating, making merit, and listening to sermons on important Buddhist days. It will make the elderly feel satisfied with their lives and live with quality. and create a good quality of life and 3. Suggestions on ways to develop the quality of life of the elderly in the context of Buddhism of the Chom Chaeng Subdistrict Municipality School for the Elderly, Mae Taeng District, Chiang Mai Province. Should focus on the elderly Participate in the operation, organizing recreational activities on a weekly basis, promoting health according to age, keeping the five precepts regularly.

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How to Cite
chaikhan, aree, Sidakham, A., & Panyaweeratad, N. (2024). Quality Development of Older Persons in the Buddhist Context of Chom Chaeng Municipal Elderly School Mae Taeng District, Chiang Mai Province: Quality Development of Older Persons in the Buddhist Context of Chom Chaeng Municipal Elderly School Mae Taeng District, Chiang Mai Province. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 6(2), 308–319. retrieved from https://so07.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rtnb/article/view/4878
Research Article


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