Improvement of Balm Products and Marketing Value Added at Community Enterprise of Thai Massage Vocational Promotion Center, Wat Sao Thong Thong, Nonthaburi Province Improvement of Balm Products and Marketing Value Added at Community Enterprise of Thai Massage Vocational Promotion Center, Wat Sao Thong Thong, Nonthaburi Province

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Sivanun Sivapitak
Warunyu Srichiangrai
Surachai Suantubtim


          The improvement of the balm product to increase the market value of the Community Enterprise of Thai Massage Vocational Promotion Center, Wat Sao Thong Thong, Nonthaburi Province, aims to: 1) improve the balm product and develop outstanding packaging, and 2) increase and expand the market channels of the model products by connecting producers and consumers. This research is a mixed-method study. The research sample includes 15 representatives from the Community Enterprise of Thai Massage Vocational Promotion Center, Wat Sao Thong Thong, Nonthaburi Province, and 80 users of Thai traditional massage services. The research tools are in-depth interview and satisfaction questionnaires. The data is analyzed using content analysis and presented descriptively and statistically.

          Research results show: 1) Members of the Community Enterprise of Thai Massage Vocational Promotion Center, Wat Sao Thong Thong, Nonthaburi Province, have the highest satisfaction with the balm product and packaging, with an average score of 4.34. 2) The outcome of promoting the balm product through online marketing via a Facebook Fan Page reveals that customers are more satisfied with the product and packaging due to their modern design and convenience for carrying. This has increased sales by 25% compared to previous sales. It is beneficial to strengthen the local economy and create new opportunities for the community to work sustainably and securely in the future.

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How to Cite
Sivapitak, S., Srichiangrai, W., & Suantubtim, S. (2024). Improvement of Balm Products and Marketing Value Added at Community Enterprise of Thai Massage Vocational Promotion Center, Wat Sao Thong Thong, Nonthaburi Province: Improvement of Balm Products and Marketing Value Added at Community Enterprise of Thai Massage Vocational Promotion Center, Wat Sao Thong Thong, Nonthaburi Province. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 6(2), 384–396. retrieved from
Research Article


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