The Development of Instructional Model of Local on Constructivism to promote Analytical thinking skills for Grade 5 students (KANOK Model) The Development of Instructional Model of Local on Constructivism to promote Analytical thinking skills for Grade 5 students (KANOK Model)
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The objectives of this research were to 1) study basic information for developing a history learning model according to constructivist theory. To enhance analytical thinking skills for grade 5 students 2) To create and check the quality of the learning management model to be efficiency according to the criteria of 80/80 3) To try out the learning management model and 4) to evaluate the use of the learning management model. A sample of 21 people, the research instruments were learning management plans, learning management model usage manuals, tests, analytical thinking skills tests, and satisfaction questionnaires. The statistics used in the research were mean, standard deviation and dependent t-test.
The research results found that 1) the developed learning management model consisted of 5 components: principles, objectives, learning management processes, content, and measurement and evaluation. There are 5 steps in the learning management process: Step 1: Review previous knowledge (K = Knowledge), Step 2: Recommend to search for knowledge (A = Active learning), Step 3: Analyze, find reasons and summarize new knowledge (N = New Knowledge), Step 4: Present the work (O = Opportunity), and Step 5: Integrate and disseminate (K = Knowledge Sharing). The results of the expert examination found that the developed learning management model was most appropriate. 2) The results of using the learning management model found that students had higher academic achievement after studying than before studying, with statistical significance at the .05 level. The analytical thinking skills after studying were significantly higher than before studying at a statistical level of .05 and students are satisfied with learning with the developed learning management model.
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