The Strengthening of Local Communities and the Development of Democracy to Reduce Inequality in Communities in Sisaket Province The Strengthening of Local Communities and the Development of Democracy to Reduce Inequality in Communities in Sisaket Province
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This research aims to study: 1) The strength of community participation in promoting democracy to reduce inequality in the community, and 2) The development of democracy and the obstacles in democratic development that affect the reduction of inequality in the community. The target area for the study is Nong Bang Village, Moo 4, Nam Kliang District, Si Sa Ket Province. The population used in the study includes community leaders, senior executives of government agencies and local administration, totaling 10 individuals, and a sample population of 235 individuals. The tools used in the study include interviews and questionnaires.
The research findings on promoting democracy to reduce inequality within the community indicate that the community has visionary and selfless leaders who prioritize the common good. This is a strength of Nong Bang Village, leading to strong cooperation in development efforts. The community faces no issues with petty crimes, and there is unity between homes, schools, and temples. In terms of democratic development to reduce inequality, it was found that the average score for democratic development was 4.30, with a standard deviation of 0.58, indicating a high level. The challenges identified include the need for supplementary occupations and additional knowledge in agriculture, agricultural product processing, budget support, and market promotion. The process of democratic development is driven by both internal and external forces within the community, with leaders and committees playing crucial roles. There is joint decision-making and support for community participation in management. The community's collective efforts receive strong cooperation from leaders and residents, and learning together fosters community improvement. Emphasis is placed on self-reliance and creative problem-solving.
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