Management of ecosystem restoration work of the local administration organization

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Phrakhrumeteethummabandit jirasak Thonghom


          New Public Management is the change of public administration by applying the principles of increasing the efficiency of the bureaucracy and the pursuit of efficiency in the performance of governmental practices that aim for excellence. By adopting the private sector's approach or management method and applied to the administration of the sector since the results-oriented administration Professional management Considering the value principle Handling compact and horizontal structures Allowing private individuals to compete in the provision of public services From following the news, the masses will see a pile of rice sacks full of warehouses. Which has the grain of rice from being kept in sacks, it is rotting to dust and cannot be eaten Or will it even be used to make animal food? Causing a feeling of regret that the rice had been put to rot and damaged Do not feel pity for farmers as in the past For saying that Farmers make up the majority of the country, so it shouldn't be true these days. Because the country has grown Farming is a tough career. The children of the farmers are now educated. Graduated from high school or graduated from various institutions, after graduating, no one wanted to farm. If going to do it, do it in a “organic” style or use “bio” fertilizers that can be sold at a high price. When farming methods have changed from the use of manpower to the use of machine tools. Way of life, customs The traditions related to rice farming have also changed. More and more people immigrating to the city. But still has the same connection with the countryside It can be seen that the profession that nourishes the world and is the main occupation of Thai farmers. That the world praised the quality of Thai jasmine rice, etc. Instead, it is a career that hurts the quality of the produce (rice) ecosystem and creates a debt to farmers as well.

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How to Cite
jirasak Thonghom, P. . (2020). Management of ecosystem restoration work of the local administration organization. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 2(3), 9–18. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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