Guidelines for the development of hand-woven silk fabrics to a 5-star OTOP: a case study of Ban Non Han silk weaving group, Kho Nuea sub-district, Mueang Yasothon district, Yasothon province

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Vilasini Hathanpa


          A Study of the Development of Hand-Woven Silk to OTOP at 5-Star Level: Case Study of Ban Non Han Silk Weaving Group, Kho Nuea Subdistrict, Mueang Yasothon District Yasothon province this time It is a qualitative study. The data was collected from in-depth interviews with a total of 30 sample subjects. The leader of the group is recognized by the members and the people of the village, has been creative in the product, has evolved to be beautiful and color fastness to washing. The dyed colors are suitable. There are regulations for use in the operations of the group. There are rules and conditions on enforcement within the group. Inputs were grown mulberry. Raising silk in the community Production quantity, produce according to the order amount first. And produced and stored for sale at the center Most of the colors used for dyeing are natural. It can be obtained from plants in the area of ​​bark, leaves, roots, fruit trees, and the core of the local wisdom. Have been established from the past to the present, learn from the experiences that have been practiced in the committee, members and representatives of related agencies that The truth of Ban Non Han's hand-woven silk Strong It is widely known and the quality is among the top producers of handwoven silk. The target market is wholesalers. And retailers in Yasothon and nearby provinces

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How to Cite
Hathanpa, V. . (2020). Guidelines for the development of hand-woven silk fabrics to a 5-star OTOP: a case study of Ban Non Han silk weaving group, Kho Nuea sub-district, Mueang Yasothon district, Yasothon province. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 2(3), 45–51. Retrieved from
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