Roles of Buddhist monks on community development in the view of the people in Duk Uung Subdistrict, Nong Hi District, Roi Et Province

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Suchinda supreme amulet Techawaro/Wisetwongsa
Sanya Kenaphum
Saowaluck Kosolkittiumporn


          The purpose of this research is 1) To study the role of Buddhist Monks in community development as perceived by the public in Duk Uung Subdistrict, Nong Hi District, Roi Et Province 2) To compare the role of Buddhist Monks in community development according to public view in Duk Uung Subdistrict, Nong Hi District, Roi Et Province, and 3) To study suggestions on promoting the role of Buddhist Monks in community development as perceived by the people of Duk Uung Subdistrict, Nong Hi District, Roi Et Province. Population used in this research is people of Duk Uung Subdistrict, Nong Hi District, Roi Et Province  of 7,215 people, Determine the size from the Taro Yamane formula. The sample was 379 people. The research found that 1) People look at the Bullfrog district, Roi Et Province Nong Hi District on the role of Buddhist Monks in the overall community development at a high level. When considering each aspect, it was found that in every level. 2) The analysis compares the role of Buddhist Monks community development in view of the public in Duk Uung Subdistrict, Nong Hi District, Roi Et Province with different gender, age, education level and income found that Study variables were significantly different at the 0.05 level, For gender age and income per year, there is no statistical difference. 3) People look at the Bullfrog district, Roi Et Province Nong Hi District there were suggestions about the role of Buddhist Monks Officers towards community development in the public view include, Would like the Buddhist Monks or abbot to monitor the behavior of the youth, Would like the monk to have the right to punish government officials on government matters as well and Buddhist monks of all temples should organize Buddhism propagation activities every week.

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How to Cite
Techawaro/Wisetwongsa, S. supreme amulet ., Kenaphum, S. . ., & Kosolkittiumporn, S. . (2020). Roles of Buddhist monks on community development in the view of the people in Duk Uung Subdistrict, Nong Hi District, Roi Et Province. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 2(2), 60–72. Retrieved from
Research Article


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