Students on the political situation in Thailand.

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Phrakhruwapeedhammawiroj (Prasal Niwat)


          Government protests of students a group that calls itself "Liberated Youth" and group "Union of Students, Students and Students of Thailand" with 3 demands Including The government to dissolve the parliament, Stop harassing people, and Drafting a new constitution, A call to amend the constitution interesting Is interesting because This constitution set to every government must follow the national strategic plan 20 years The key point is Student assembly they are not afraid and ready to face with protest control laws Such as The emergency decree Public assembly act Political participation of students the clearest the first time appeared in the event. Government elections Field Marshal P.Pibulsongkram The students act as observers election But was threatened by the government and bullying that leads to The mass protests impermanence of that election Is an important event the students came to the area more political Students are considered to be a minority of society. and a new elite that began more and more political roles In the past young students expressed different types of political participation vastly But in most cases it is an address group in Bangkok and major cities Students as an important force of a nation with a participatory political culture It should therefore be a political innovator. Acting to claim benefits on behalf of the public including the balance of power Of the rulers of the country on various issues Representing a part of the people of the country in participating in political activities Which students used to play political roles to be the voice of the people in various fields.

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How to Cite
(Prasal Niwat), P. (2020). Students on the political situation in Thailand. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 2(2), 99–114. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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