Dhamma with politics in the way of democracy

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Yuphaporn Yupas
Phramaha Amka Worapanyo (Sukdaeng)


The article Dhamma with politics in the way of democracy have purpose to present the principle for politicians and the general public by virtues of the king. The virtues of the king mean dhamma of the king or guardian, which is the wheel of Buddhism 10 points 1.) Charity 2.) High moral 3.) Self-sacrifice 4.) Honesty 5.) Kindness and gentleness 6.) Self-control 7.) Non-anger 8.) Non-violence 9.) Patience 10.) Non-opposition Also including legal duty, social rules and good traditions used as criteria. So that are standard in living and working. Especially politicians that have to use power, business discretion, social organization to be lawful and moral rules for mutual benefits in government, family, religion, educational institution, hospital and harmony. All that are "gross national happiness GNH", people are sacrificing personal benefits for the common good. So, when consisting of dhamma, will receive confidence and resulting in achieving the goal.

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How to Cite
Yupas, Y. . ., & Worapanyo (Sukdaeng), P. A. . (2020). Dhamma with politics in the way of democracy. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 2(1), 1–13. Retrieved from https://so07.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rtnb/article/view/666
Academic Article


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