Investigator of People’s ideal

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Raschai Khayantam


          Investigation of the inquiry there are many things. Starting from complaint notification. The investigating officer must consider whether or not he or she has the authority to hear the complaint. Considered to have the power to receive a complaint. Investigators must investigate without delay.  And will have to investigate continuously. And until the conclusion of the sentence and sent to the prosecutor to consider the law. Which steps in the practice of the constitutional investigators, criminal procedure law, criminal law and the police regulations on the case are clearly and appropriately defined. The goal of the investigation is to gather all kinds of evidence to obtain the most accurate, reliable, and accurate evidence possible. To secure the accused and society. Investigation of inquiry officer It is important to conduct justice for the people.The principle that the inquiry officer must have in the investigation is Brahmavihara (the Four Divine State of mind) Meta is friendliness, Karuna is compassion, Mudita is sympathetic joy and Upekkha is equanimity ,4 virtues are the same as parenting for 4 children are Small people need mercy. Sick patient please Good luck! and the child is really impossible. Must be used detached. It must be free from bias. With power, love, anger, delusion, and fear.the principles for Gharavasa-dhamma is the virtues of the ruler of the house 4, Sacca is honest and sincerity , Dama It's a great way to end it, Khanti is tolerance, and Caga Is a sacrifice. Therefore,the application of Buddhist principles to the work. This is the development of the investigation of the inquiry. To be effective and effective for the people and society.

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How to Cite
Khayantam, R. . (2020). Investigator of People’s ideal. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 2(1), 46–56. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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