The opinion of developmemt Toward education Management Paticipation of Mahamakut Buddhist University, Yasothon Buddhist College

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Wiphaphun Upanisakron


         This paper aims to study the developmemt toward education management Paticipation. Compared to the developmemt toward education management paticipation and to study the developmemt toward education management paticipation of Mahamakut Buddhist University, Yasothon Buddhist College. Theological seminary the sample population and faculty, staff and students of the university's College of the Crown. Theological Yasothon 313 Photos/The researchers used the method to select specific (Purposive Sampling) used in the research statistics used were percentage, frequency, mean, standard deviation, t-test and F-test by using a computer program and test different pairs by way of LSD (Least-Significant different) study found. Comments on commercial development, education and participation. The overall level To test the hypothesis that sex, age, and education has a different opinion on the development of education involved. not different The recommendations should be coordinated with the parent community to inform education policy. And should provide opportunities for community involvement in education, such as inviting people with knowledge about the local community as a lecturer.

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How to Cite
Upanisakron, W. . (2019). The opinion of developmemt Toward education Management Paticipation of Mahamakut Buddhist University, Yasothon Buddhist College. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 1(1), 7–15. Retrieved from
Research Article


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