The role of Buddhism towardsthe development on Politics and government of people in the Salaya – Subdistrict ,Buddhamontol District,Nakornpathom Province

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Chowrit Rairin


           The objectives of this thesis were as follows: 1) to study the role of Buddhism towardsthe development on Politics and government of people in the Salaya – Subdistrict, Buddhamontol District, Nakornpathom Province, 2) to compare the role of Buddhism towardsthe development on Politics and government of people in the Salaya – Subdistrict, Buddhamontol District, Nakornpathom Province, which had different genders, ages and level of education  3) to study suggestions and solutions the role of Buddhism towards the development on Politics and government of people in the Salaya – Subdistrict, Buddhamontol District, Nakornpathom Province. The sample group was the 300persons, sized by Krejcie and Morgan’s table and used Simple  Random Sampling by drawing lots on collecting data. The tools for research were questionnaires. The statistics used were descriptive, frequency, percentage, means, standard deviation and inferential statistics : F-test or One-Way ANOVA. If differentiation was found, it was tested in a pair by mean of LSD (Least Significant Different)  and analyzed by computing. The results of research were found as follows: 1). People in SalayaSubdistrict, Buddhamontol District,  Nakornpathom Province, had attitudes towards the role of Buddhism towards the politics and government  3 aspects at a Meduun level. Having been considered each aspect, it was found that the aspect of the highest average was participation in the role of Buddhism being at a high level.The aspect of the lower one was the understanding in the role of Buddhism at a high level respectively. 2). The results of hypothesis testing were found thatpeoplein Salayasubdistrict, Buddhamon to ldistrict, Nakornpathom Provincc, with different gender, ages sndeducation, had no difference “knowledge and understanding of principles of democratic government” and “political attitudes of democratic government” in the whole view of 3 aspects. with the statistical significance at 0.05. and 3). The role of Buddhism of people in Salayasubdistrict, having attitudes towards development  had suggestions and solutions : 1) knowledge and understanding of principles of  democratic government – people had a lack of knowledge and understanding of the principles of the role of Buddhism ; therefore, the people should be educated about knowledge and understanding of the principles of the role of Buddhism by various media such as newspaper, radio, television, Internet etc. 2) political attitudes of democratic government – the attitudes were thatdemocratic government was an election. Having had representatives, people had no duty; therefore, it should create the right attitude about democratic government that is not just an election. The other functions of the people are to be involved in monitoring the work of their representatives in the comments and take part in other activities as well.

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How to Cite
Rairin, C. . (2019). The role of Buddhism towardsthe development on Politics and government of people in the Salaya – Subdistrict ,Buddhamontol District,Nakornpathom Province. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 1(1), 16–29. Retrieved from
Research Article


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