Thai Literature in the Borderless technology Era

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PramahajiraYuth praYoco


          Thai Literature in the Borderless technology Eraversewriting Prose poetryto the importance and value of Thai literature. Readers get to know the language, Meaning of words use of the language of each era each region, Schemes of prosody each type for history chronicle legend tale a story various native. Including Emotional valuesMoral value Cultural values Historical value Spiritual value Critical Skill Value Values in the use of values. Inspiration that inspire Thai literature in the borderless period. Western literary influence in Thailand since the reign of King Rama 5 during the change of government in 2475 there are many novels. Things that reflect social conditions until now, technology media brings us to a whole new world of learning the world through e-learning for WBI (Web Based Instruction) or teaching through the webpage service, the characteristics of Thai literature in the current borderless era is very compact. Have a variety of writing there are a variety of ideas. There are more written by the work. More experienced writing. There is a variety of channels available there is no writing that attaches to the original format very much. More foreign language writing. There is a more contemporary style and more written or spoken language.

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How to Cite
praYoco, P. (2019). Thai Literature in the Borderless technology Era. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 1(1), 66–79. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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