The pace ofPolitical dynamics of Thailand in after the coup

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Pichet Srirha


          This article presents the pace of political dynamics and the Government of Thailand after the coup. Under the administration of the government of the coup in Thailand. The issue of prominence after the coup after the coup and the bad points that the government after the coup did was unacceptable. It found that the administration policy and the command of the use of special powers in the view of the political scientist and people directly affected by policy and such orders. There are both supporters and opponents some policies are well received by the people because the elected government is unable to achieve a decisive and effective outcome. Meanwhile, some policies were opposed and criticize the inappropriate for the era. so that the pace of political dynamics, Thai rule in the post-coup period how to move forward? Because the expectations of the people to resolve the political crisis of the military is very much after the coup. Because of the Thai people's tendency to be peaceful, even in times of coup, they desire peace and expect the country's development to continue. It may become a political culture in thailand, especially the recognition of the government of the country. Even the government of the coup, as noted by political scientists.

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How to Cite
Srirha, P. . (2019). The pace ofPolitical dynamics of Thailand in after the coup. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 1(1), 101–115. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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