The guidelines for academic administration in the field of the development and the promotion of learning resources for personnel of Watanakedittharam School, Bang Yai District, Nonthaburi Province The guidelines for academic administration in the field of the development and the promotion of learning resources for personnel of Watanakedittharam School, Bang Yai District, Nonthaburi Province

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Pimnicha Prommanot
Assistant professor Dr.Naitawan Kumhom
Dr.Somsak Dolprasit


The results of the research showed that 1) the level of academic administration Overall, it's at the highest level. When considering each aspect, it was found that it was at the highest level in all aspects. The averages were sorted from least to greatest: management, personnel, budget, and resources.2) level of learning resources Overall, it's at the highest level. When considering each aspect, it was found that it was at the highest level in all aspects. Sorting averages from least to greatest is the organization of learning resources within the school. Providing a variety of learning resources systematization of learning resources within the locality and providing sufficient learning resources 3) The relationship of academic administration in terms of development and promotion of learning resources of personnel of Wat Anekdittharam School, Bang Yai District, Nonthaburi Province, overall, it was found that there was a high level of positive correlation. It was statistically significant at 0.01 level.When classified by aspects, correlation coefficients can be ordered from least to greatest, i.e. the provision of sufficient learning resources; the organization of learning resources within the school systematization of learning resources and the provision of local learning resources

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How to Cite
Prommanot, P., Kumhom, N., & Dolprasit, D. . (2022). The guidelines for academic administration in the field of the development and the promotion of learning resources for personnel of Watanakedittharam School, Bang Yai District, Nonthaburi Province: The guidelines for academic administration in the field of the development and the promotion of learning resources for personnel of Watanakedittharam School, Bang Yai District, Nonthaburi Province. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 4(1), 10–21. Retrieved from
Research Article


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