Decentralization of educational administration towards the administration of educational institutions. Decentralization of educational administration towards the administration of educational institutions.

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Wuttipong Saenchan
Dr.Wichan Rienwilairat
Dr.Natthaphumin Yoskaew


The purpose of this study was to study the decentralization of education administration towards administration and to compare the difference of the decentralization of education administration towards school administration at Ban Khun Prathet School. under Nong Khaem District Bangkok classified by academic standing The population used in this research were 81 school administrators and teachers. The statistics used in the data analysis consisted of percentage, mean and standard deviation. and t-test

          The results showed that Most of them are teachers. This was followed by an academic rank, a professional teacher, C.E.2, followed by a specialized teacher, C.E.3, and the least was Specialist Teacher AD 4 Decentralization of educational administration towards the administration of educational institutions Overall, it is at a high level. When classified by aspect, it was found that The aspect with the first level of practice was teaching management, followed by curriculum administration. Management of measurement and evaluation teaching supervision. standing, it was found that there was no difference.

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How to Cite
Saenchan, W., Rienwilairat, W., & Yoskaew, N. (2022). Decentralization of educational administration towards the administration of educational institutions.: Decentralization of educational administration towards the administration of educational institutions. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 4(1), 36–48. Retrieved from
Research Article


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