People's Opinions towards the Election of the President of Khu Mueang Subdistrict Organization Chanachai District, Yasothon Province People's Opinions towards the Election of the President of Khu Mueang Subdistrict Organization Chanachai District, Yasothon Province

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Yuphin boonyung
Ploychanokwan Wangphon


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the opinions of the people towards the election of the president of the Yasothon Provincial Administrative Organization and 2) to study the recommendations on the factors affecting the decision-making behavior of the people in the elections. President of Yasothon Provincial Administrative Organization Population is the people who have the right to vote who domicile in Fa Yad Sub-District Municipality. There were 6,659 people in Chanachai District, Yasothon Province. The sample group was 377 people with Taro Yamane's computational formula. The tool was a questionnaire. People's Opinions towards the Election of the President of Yasothon Provincial Administrative Organization : A Case Study of Khu Mueang Subdistrict People's opinion towards the selection of the president of the Yasothon Provincial Administrative Organization: a case study of Khu Mueang sub-district as a whole was at a high level, with an average value of 3.70 (SD = 0.50). When considering each aspect, it was found that it was at a high level 3. One aspect was moderate, and when sorted in descending order, it was ranked first; applicants' policy proposals, average 4.38 (SD= 4.13), followed by civic duty, average 3.88 (SD= 0.61). ) Next was the personal qualifications of the applicants, the mean value was 3.66 (SD= 0.32). The lowest value was Regarding the popularity of political parties or political groups, the average value was 3.13 (S.D= 1.31) and there was no suggestion whatsoever.

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How to Cite
boonyung, Y., & Wangphon, P. (2022). People’s Opinions towards the Election of the President of Khu Mueang Subdistrict Organization Chanachai District, Yasothon Province: People’s Opinions towards the Election of the President of Khu Mueang Subdistrict Organization Chanachai District, Yasothon Province. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 4(1), 1–9. Retrieved from
Research Article


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