Approaches to Assessing Summary Content: Implications for Teaching Material Development and Recommendations for Research


  • Woranon Sitajalabhorn



Summary, Summarisation, Summary writing, Summary content, Academic writing, Integrated writing, Summary assessment, Integrated writing assessment


Amongst the different aspects of summary writing, summary content is viewed as one of the primary constructs in measuring the quality of summaries (Alderson, 2000; Hijikata et al., 2015; Putri, 2020; Yamanishi et al., 2019). Although summaries have been defined in a variety of ways by researchers (e.g., Chuenchaichon, 2022; Dewi & Saputra, 2021), authors of books and writing handbooks (e.g., Turabian, 2019; Wette, 2020), as well as online writing resources (e.g., Pressbooks, 2022; Purdue University Online Writing Lab, 2022), the one thing that is held constant across these publications is the idea that summaries must capture all the essential information from the source materials. This mutual agreement only suggests that summary content (or the ideas summary writers include in their summarised texts) must be taken into consideration as far as the assessment of summaries is concerned. Given the importance of summary content in assessing summary quality, this article aims to present how summary content has been evaluated and discuss implications for teaching material development and recommendations for research.


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2023-02-24 — Updated on 2023-03-20


How to Cite

Sitajalabhorn, W. . (2023). Approaches to Assessing Summary Content: Implications for Teaching Material Development and Recommendations for Research. วารสารภาษาปริทัศน์, (37), 68–94. (Original work published 24 กุมภาพันธ์ 2023)



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