The Construction of a Work Readiness Scale for Vocational Students

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Marisa Paenmeon


         Employment readiness is the ability or potential of private vocational students to work or work successfully in the future and achieve their goals. To identify how ready students are for work and at what level of readiness, it is necessary to have a tool to measure and evaluate students' readiness for work. Therefore, this research aims to 1) create and find the quality of the vocational student employment readiness test and 2) create a criterion for interpreting the scores of the vocational student employment readiness test. The sample group used in the research was 1,145 students in private vocational schools in Rayong Province. The instrument used was the vocational student employment readiness test, which measured 4 components according to Caballero's concept: personal characteristics, organizational knowledge, work ability, and social intelligence. The quality analysis of the vocational student employment readiness scale consisted of content validity, theoretical validity by known groups technique and comparing scores using the Independent sample t-test, and the reliability of the whole scale was 0.970 and each component had a value between 0.896-0.981 by finding the Cronbach's alpha coefficient. The interpretation criteria used the normal t-score and divided into levels according to the Clark-Carter concept. The research results found that in terms of theoretical validity, there was evidence supporting that the employment readiness scale had theoretical validity (t = -4.831,      p = 0.000) and the result of creating the interpretation criteria, the scale had normal scores ranging from T16.72 to T74.81 (P0.05 - P99.34), where high employment readiness had a normal score of T56.78 and above, relatively high employment readiness had a normal score between T50.23 and T56.44, and relatively low employment readiness The normal scores ranged from T43.57 to T49.93, and the low level of job readiness had normal scores lower than T43.57.

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