An Analysis of the Art Learning Management Model Based on the Loose Parts Concept for Early Childhood Children


  • Jantana Chaiopanon Art Education, Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University
  • Soamshine Boonyananta Art Education, Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University


Loose Parts Concept Art, Learning Management Format, Early Childhood


The purpose of this research is to analyze the art learning model according to the concept of "Loose Parts" for early childhood children. and analyze the current formats of art learning management for early childhood in various formats. The sample group includes 40 art learning activities according to the Loose Parts concept. Data collection tools include an analysis table summarizing the formats. Arrange art learning according to the concept of Loose Parts for early childhood children. Consists of the following elements: 1) learning topics 2) activity units 3) materials 4) skills developed and a table summarizing the current art learning management model for early childhood in various formats, consisting of the following elements: 1) art learning management model 2) teaching components 3) component details teaching This is a secondary literature review. From related research documents Journal of art activities both domestically and internationally. and conclude with analytical tables and content analysis.

The results showed that the Loose Part art learning management model for early childhood is a highly flexible learning arrangement. It has an open-ended topic that does not restrict the work topic much to enable children to be flexible in their thinking and to create their own works as they imagine with materials. It is important that the material is an open-ended material that can be moved, assembled, dismantled, reconstructed, or redesigned in a variety of ways. When there is no fixed structure, children can unleash different thoughts and imaginations, be gender neutral, and can maximize their own imagination and creativity. Therefore, teachers, activities organizer, or parents must understand the development of learners. The ability to do anything, and the ability to do nothing, to make the activity effective and for the learner to truly develop.

The results of the research were based on the analysis of the art learning management model based on the concept of Loose Parts for early childhood children. and forms of art learning management for early childhood children in various forms at present, it was found that the art learning management model based on the Los Parts concept is an open-ended learning management without a clear learning topic. so that children can be flexible in their thinking and create their own works according to their imaginations through the use of materials Open-ended devices that can be found in everyday life. both man-made materials and natural materials. It is important that the materials must be open-ended materials that can be moved, assembled, dismantled, rebuilt or redesigned in a variety of ways. which, when there is no fixed structure, results in children liberating their ideas and different imagination from the original gender-neutral used imagination and creativity with full efficiency as a result, children have developed skills in various fields comprehensively.


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How to Cite

Chaiopanon, J., & Boonyananta, S. (2024). An Analysis of the Art Learning Management Model Based on the Loose Parts Concept for Early Childhood Children. DEC Journal, 3(1), 36–56. Retrieved from



