The effectiveness of the performance of the royal funeral service of Roiet province culture office. The effectiveness of the performance of the royal funeral service of Roiet province culture office.
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This research aims to 1) To study the level of effectiveness in the performance of services relating to funeral services that have been granted. 2) to compare the effectiveness of the performance of services relating to the funeral service that has been bestowed upon. and 3) to study the recommendations and the integration of dharma principles on the effectiveness of the performance of services relating to the funeral service that has been bestowed upon. The population and sample size of 400 people who were domiciled and lived in Roi Et Province. The results of the study revealed that the public opinion towards the effectiveness of the performance of the funeral service that was bestowed on the whole and in each aspect was at a high level in all aspects. Sorted from the aspect with the highest average to the lowest, i.e. No. 1 is the competency of the operators. Followed by the respect of the people. Next is the goal of success. The least mean aspect was satisfaction with operators. The hypothesis testing results showed that people with different gender, age, education level, occupation, monthly income. There was no difference in opinions on the effectiveness of the service performance regarding the funeral service received by the royal family as a whole and in each aspect. The results of the analysis of opinions about the problem Obstacles and recommendations for the effectiveness of the funeral services that have been bestowed upon them are: First of all, the host who asked for the royal gift was extremely grateful and deeply grateful for the royal majesty. The second place was that the general public did not know that this agency existed in the area, and the third place was that the staff were too few.
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