The Public Expectation towards Government Lottery Distribution Policy in Suwannaphum District, Roi Et Province The Public Expectation towards Government Lottery Distribution Policy in Suwannaphum District, Roi Et Province
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The objectives of this research were 1) to study the level of people's expectations towards the government lottery distribution policy. 2) To study the relationship between the Four sublime states of mind Principle and the people's expectations regarding the government lottery distribution policy. And 3) to study the guidelines for integrating the Four sublime states of mind principles with the government lottery distribution policy in Suwannaphum district, Roi Et Province. Determined the sample size and the method of randomization of the population by sampling from Taro Yamane's formula of 399. Tools used in this research as a questionnaire, data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Inferential statistics and correlation were determined by Pearson's correlation coefficient. The results of the research were as follows: 1) The level of people's opinion towards the people's expectations towards the government lottery distribution policy in Suvarnabhumi District. Roi Et Province as a whole is at a high level and each aspect is at a high level in every aspect. 2) The results of a study on the relationship between the Four sublime states of mind principles and the people's expectations towards the government lottery distribution policy in Suvarnabhumi District. Roi Et Province there was a positive correlation with the people's expectation of the government lottery distribution policy in the low correlation level. And summarizing the results of the interview form analysis of key informants on integrating Dharma principles and people's expectations towards government lottery distribution policies, it was found that the Four sublime states of mind principles would enable them to coexist with others effectively and happy. In this research, lotteries organized by the Government Lottery Office for sale to players as a gamble should have prizes divided into multiple prizes of a predetermined amount by adhering to the Four sublime states of mind principles namely loving-kindness, compassion, sympathetic joy, equanimity as a guideline for the government's work, it will make people happy according to their expectations.
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