Integrated Buddhist Psychology for Enhancing the Happiness of the Elderly in Thai Society Integrated Buddhist Psychology for Enhancing the Happiness of the Elderly in Thai Society

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Thitipong Tanaveero (Tumphanom)
ผศ.ดร. สิริวัฒน์ ศรีเครือดง


This academic article aims to analyze and analyze principles and guidelines for applying Buddhist psychology to promote happiness for the elderly in Thai society. If talking about the aging society We can understand that the elderly are "old people" aged 60 years and over. The world has entered an aging society and this group of people will have deteriorated health and need to take care of them and spend money for medical care. or daily life Therefore, Thailand will fully enter an aging society in 2022 and the important question is how do we prepare to enter the aging society? The author has contemplated using Buddhist principles that guide the practice of living a happy and prosperous life. The author believes that we can turn the crisis of aging into an opportunity. in driving the development of the country with an elderly population with good physical and mental health Participate in social, economic, cultural, spiritual and civic activities valuable and help develop Thailand to be more stable, prosperous and sustainable

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How to Cite
Tanaveero (Tumphanom), T., ศรีเครือดง ผ. ส. ., & พระครูสุตวรธรรมกิจ,ผศ.ดร. (2022). Integrated Buddhist Psychology for Enhancing the Happiness of the Elderly in Thai Society: Integrated Buddhist Psychology for Enhancing the Happiness of the Elderly in Thai Society. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 4(2), 161–171. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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