Political Institutions and Modern Political Communication Political Institutions and Modern Political Communication

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Phrakhru Pariyatworamathee Thipmanee
ภัคสิริ แอนิหน
พระนุชิต นาคเสโน


The strengthening of political institutions must begin with policy communication. Guidelines for the administration of people as citizens before they get involved in politics, both directly and indirectly, to encourage the roles and duties of political institutions. and to support the democratic regime It is also an objection to or resistance to the abuse of power by political institutions and in the present, the advancement of new media has evolved over time, resulting in a change in political institutions. very much Today's political institutions, whether governments, political parties or independent organizations, rely on new media to reach groups of people of different ages. In addition, nowadays, new media can carry out various storytelling through various computer programs and can create the desired publicity. Moreover, nowadays, the use of new media is more diverse. Whether it is an AI eBook system and many other related programs Including the current era, there is an opportunity for people to have access to administration. resource allocation to monitor the performance of political institutions as well However, it can be seen that the political institutions cannot avoid the new media that replaces the old media at all because the new media will reach the target audience that takes into account the interests of the people. However, the use of both forms of media must be blended in accordance with clarity. Adapting content to suit the needs of the people is the key to unlocking the needs of today's people.

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How to Cite
Thipmanee, P. P., แอนิหน ภ. ., & นาคเสโน พ. (2022). Political Institutions and Modern Political Communication: Political Institutions and Modern Political Communication. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 4(2), 186–195. retrieved from https://so07.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rtnb/article/view/1756
Academic Article


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