Buddhology for Social Media Literacy in the 21st Century Buddhology for Social Media Literacy in the 21st Century
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This article on Buddhology for Social Media Literacy in the 21st Century aims to present principles for control directing and restraining the individual in the consumption or consumption of information for this century. In other words, emotional intelligence and information technology social media literacy using Buddhist doctrines as a decision-making framework. Judge beliefs before setting them up and sending messages to the masses. This is because the diversity of information is based only on perception (recognition), not knowledge (understanding). Even though, some knowledge or recognition is not cognitive (enlightened) knowledge because some information or knowledge may be misinformation. It is a misinformation (ignorance) that some people may assume is correct. Therefore, Buddhism has several doctrinal principles that can be used to explain and help guide decision-making on news information at an initial or higher level, such as the Kalama Sutta that emphasizes thorough consideration. before believing and the principle of interaction encourages individuals to become proficient with known information, to recognize it and to lead to enlightenment accordingly.
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