Krajoom Ban Khwao : Symbolic, Conservation and Development to promote cultural way of life, Khwao Subdistrict, Selaphum District, Roi Et Province

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Weeranuch Kulsuwan
Assistant professor Dr.Naitawan Kumhom


This research aims to1) Study the history How to make Krajoom Ban Khwao  , Khwao Subdistrict, Selaphum District, Roi Et Province2) To study symbolic media, conservation and development of Krajoom Ban Khwao  and enhancing cultural way of life, Khwao Subdistrict, Selaphum District, Roi Et Province.

             This research, a specific population and sample were used, Purposive Sampling 1. Key Informants are group of people with insights into the history of making Krajoom Ban Khwao. 2. Casual Informants are person who gives information about the history, tradition, culture 3. Purposive   Informants are General people who have known or who have come to travel. this study the researcher used a Cultural Qualitative Research by using the tools for collecting data, namely, Survey Interview, Participant Observation, Focus Group and Workshop.

          The results of the research showed that 1) Tambon Khwao is the oldest sub-district. Around the late Ayutthaya period During the reign of King Petracha adhere to the traditions and teachings of Buddhism The use of Krajoom has been around since 1865-1866. Made a Krajoom to use in the form of high-class handicrafts by the villagers embroidered in the royal court style. Usually use 4 types of tents 1) Hod Song (Thera Phisek) 2) Ordination 3) Bun Bang Fai 4) Offering to Buddha to a wooden Buddha image. The equipment used to make it consists of cotton, silk, colored silk, glass, insect wings, gold and silver metallic threads. 2) Krajoom Ban Khwao are often found in symbolic. which is the belief in Tribhum according to Buddhism and Hinduism. have faith Himmapan forest is full of various kinds of animals such as birds, serpents, peacocks, and Puranakada pots. The top of the tent, often found as Yok Laem 3-9, represents the belief in Buddhism. Conservation, development and cultural enhancement Lived by the cultural council of the right sub-district by “registering intangible cultural heritage”, research, data collection Disseminate culture in abstract forms, which are traditions, and concrete is community products.

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How to Cite
Kulsuwan, W., & Kumhom, N. (2022). Krajoom Ban Khwao : Symbolic, Conservation and Development to promote cultural way of life, Khwao Subdistrict, Selaphum District, Roi Et Province. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 4(3), 234–250. Retrieved from
Research Article


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