Province Samut Sakhon Local History : Integrating the Learning Management Plan for Social Studies Subject Groups religion and culture Ban Plong School Krathum Baen District Samut Sakhon Province

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Nantawat Phukongkaew
Assistant professor Dr.Naitawan Kumhom


 The objectives of this research were 1) to study local history in Samut Sakhon 2) to integrate a learning management plan for social studies subject groups. religion and culture Ban Plong School Krathum Baen District Samut Sakhon Province This research, a specific population and sample were used, Purposive Sampling 1. Key Informants is A group of people with insights into Samut Sakhon history.2. Casual Informants are Teachers, students, 3. Purposive Informants are People in Samut Sakhon Province. this study the researcher used a Cultural Qualitative Research by using the tools for collecting data, namely, Survey Interview, Participant Observation, Focus Group and Workshop.

          The results of the research were as follows: 1) Local history of Ban Tha Chin community, Samut Sakhon, as shown in evidence and research documents It is an old community based on the Pak Nam port city that is not far from Ratchathani. Both Ayutthaya and Bangkok From the historical evidence that appears contemporary and a thesis written in terms of collecting evidence and important cultural developments of Samut Sakhon Province.Historical significance related to Thai history both in terms of important people milestone or historical landmarks of Samut Sakhon, such as Khlong Khok Kham, Phanthai Norasing, Khok Kham Temple, Khlong Mahachai, Tha Chalom, the establishment of the first sanitary district Mahachai Railway Station, Khlong Mha Hown 2) Integration of learning management plans for social studies subject groups religion and culture Ban Plong School Krathum Baen District Samut Sakhon Province which uses historical projects for students to search Stories of the past in human society in any area any moment (dimensions of time) using historical methods It consists of 6 main steps.They are 1) identifying the study issues, 2) collecting data from evidence, 3) analyzing the evidence, 4) interpreting the evidence, 5) synthesizing the data, and 6) presenting the results of the study. This allows students to analyze stories of important historical events using historical methods. and apply historical methods to appropriately study stories related to oneself, family and one's locality

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How to Cite
Phukongkaew, N., & Kumhom, N. (2022). Province Samut Sakhon Local History : Integrating the Learning Management Plan for Social Studies Subject Groups religion and culture Ban Plong School Krathum Baen District Samut Sakhon Province. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 4(3), 176–193. Retrieved from
Research Article


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