The Role of the Community Organization Council and the Development of Foundation Democracy The Role of the Community Organization Council and the Development of Foundation Democracy

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Kreangkrai Boonprachong
Chanphen Seechompoo
Lawan Narkdilok


This article to present the roles of community councils and the development of foundation democracy. From the study and summary of lessons learned in driving the development of the community organization council, it was found that the community organization council has played a role and created participation in the development of foundational democracy which started from the community/village It is a form of consultation democracy. The Tambon Community Organization Council is a civil society that will participate in the development of democracy for individuals. by giving villages/local communities It is a central area for meetings to discuss and exchange knowledge. and promote democratic culture to occur Therefore, the drive for the Tambon Community Organization Council has an inclination and leads to the creation of a self-governing community. take care of yourself concept democracy in which the people rule themselves To make the community a strategy for building democracy at the local community level. Starting from the village/community in parallel with the creation of democracy at the national level which is in accordance with the intention of the remarks at the end of the Community Organizations Council Act B.E. The reason for the announcement This Act is for the community to be strong and able to manage themselves sustainably as well as playing an important role in the development of the country building a democracy and the good governance system which the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand stipulates that the rights of communities and people to play an important role in local development according to the variety of lifestyles local culture and wisdom.

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How to Cite
Boonprachong, K., Seechompoo, C., & Narkdilok, L. (2023). The Role of the Community Organization Council and the Development of Foundation Democracy: The Role of the Community Organization Council and the Development of Foundation Democracy. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 5(1), 635–648. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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