Factors Related to the Quality Development of Medical Technical laboratory According to the Ministry of Public Health's Standards: Case Study of Hospitals under the Ministry of Public Health, Health Service Area 11 Factors Related to the Quality Development of Medical Technical laboratory According to the Ministry of Public Health's Standards: Case Study of Hospitals under the Ministry of Public Health, Health Service Area 11

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Pramual Suanchan


Medical technology laboratory is a unit responsible for providing analytical services in medical technology laboratories In order for a medical technology laboratory to be standardized, it is necessary to have a standard system to support it. by the Department of Medical Sciences Ministry of Public Health- Develop standards for medical technology laboratories.were the laboratory standard system for medical technology and public health 2019 There are 12 important assessment criteria, 75 items. Including 1) Organization and Administration 2 Documentation 3 Outsourcing 4 Personnel 5 Location Section 6 Environmental Equipment and Supplies 7 Process Control 8 Quality Assurance 9 Safety 10 Incident Management Section 11 Continuous Improvement Process 12 Internal Audit. The research model is The cross-sectional survey research aimed (1) to study organizational and  management factors of Department of Medical laboratories at Hospital in Regional Heath 11;  (2) to evaluate the qualitative development of Medical laboratories According to the Ministry of Public Health's Standards program for medical and laboratories; and  (3) to study the relationship between management factors, the results of the quality development of Medical laboratories According to the Ministry of Public Health's Standards program The samples were 75 teams of medical laboratories at Hospital in Regional Heath 11, - 1 person each responsible for of medical laboratories According to the Ministry of Public Health's Standards program being data provider. The study instruments were an evaluation form with a Validity, Reliability and Difficulty of 0.97 0.95 and 0.62. Analyses were performed for quantitative data to determine frequencies, percentages, means, standard deviations, and multiple linear regression. The results indicated that, the factor related to management and performance evaluation of the qualitative development of medical laboratories According to the Ministry of Public Health's Standards program for medical and laboratories of Department of Medical laboratories at Hospital in Regional Heath 11 with the factor is Structure (53.1%) Shared values (10.5%) leader (0.7%) and Staff (3.9%) as explant of variations the 4 factors of which conclude 68.2%

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How to Cite
Suanchan, P. (2023). Factors Related to the Quality Development of Medical Technical laboratory According to the Ministry of Public Health’s Standards: Case Study of Hospitals under the Ministry of Public Health, Health Service Area 11: Factors Related to the Quality Development of Medical Technical laboratory According to the Ministry of Public Health’s Standards: Case Study of Hospitals under the Ministry of Public Health, Health Service Area 11. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 5(1), 14–27. Retrieved from https://so07.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rtnb/article/view/2350
Research Article


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