School Management Guidelines in New Normal School Management Guidelines in New Normal

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Khukrit Silalaiy


The epidemic crisis from the corona virus has affected the management of the education system and causing educational institutions to have to make adjustment in educational management that requires a new way of thinking to be in line with the new normal that has arisen. This research is a qualitative research aim to study the problems of school management in the new normal and to present for school management guidelines in the new normal. The scope of research related to school administration in 4 dimensions were academic administration, budget management, personnel management and general administration. The informant is an educational institution administrator under the office of the Secondary Education Service Area, District 2, Bangkok. The tools used in this research were structured interviews and content analysis.

The results showed that problems of school management in the new normal are as follows: In academic administration, there were problems in teaching and learning management, learner learning and assessment. Budget management found problems with policies and plans, finance and accounting and supplies and assets. Personnel management encountered operational problems and manpower planning and general administration found a problem in taking care of the place and the environment. Student affairs and development of information systems and networks. Guidelines for school management in the new normal. Academic administration in teaching and learning management learner learning and assessment using the integration of learning activities to create mass experiences that are important to students according to the goals of the educational course evaluated according to the alternative assessment methodology. Budget management related to policies and plans. Finance and accounting and supplies and assets by analyzing policies, policies and plans. Finance and accounting parcels and assets together promote the potential of network power by coordinating with relevant departments in the implementation of the plan. Personnel management in operation and manpower planning by bringing technology to participate in the management of educational institutions. Develop and encourage personnel to have knowledge and competence in technology and general administration in taking care of the place and the environment. Student affairs and development of information systems and networks by supporting the environment in education management in the new normal prepare information, presentations and communicate with students and parents through all channels thoroughly and comprehensively and organizing information systems related to the administration of educational institutions in the new era to be completely ready for use and develop technology systems for education to be ready for use with efficiency.

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How to Cite
Silalaiy, K. (2023). School Management Guidelines in New Normal: School Management Guidelines in New Normal. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 5(1), 58–74. Retrieved from
Research Article


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